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The field of regenerative medicine is an interesting combination of several disciplines including biology, chemistry, mathematics, and engineering. The primary focus of regenerative medicine is to understand how and why the human body prefers fibrosis (or scar tissue) in certain instances for example, when a limb is amputated, over regeneration (formation of a functional replacement) to take over the cellular and physiological functions of the damaged organ, for example- the human liver is said to be the only human organ that is capable of regeneration. At this juncture, it might dawn on us that finding answers to the perplexing question of selective regeneration holds the key to further developments in regenerative medicine. 


Stem cells come into the picture due to their extensive ability to develop into a wide variety of cells depending on requirements. By tapping stem cells’ potential, there is a possibility that even the most damaged organs and tissues can be programmed to regenerate. Stem cells have already become a crucial part of cancer research and diabetes studies.

Different types of stem cells have an array of applications. Some selected applications under each category have been described below. 



Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) in Regenerative Medicine - 


ESCs are pluripotent, hence, they have the capacity of giving rise to many different types of cells. ESCs obtained from the inner cell mass of a gastrula-a stage in embryonic development where the blastocyst develops three distinct layers namely, mesoderm, ectoderm and endoderm mesoderm, ectoderm and endoderm which later give rise to all the organs in the body. Appropriate conditions can help them transform into cone cells in the eye, hepatocytes in the liver, eggs, sperms, retinal ganglion cells, pacemaker cells and chondrocytes in cartilage to name a few.

Treatment potential for Osteoarthritis, Cardiovascular diseases, Liver injuries


Tissue-Specific Progenitor Stem Cells (PSCs) in Regenerative Medicine - 


Transplantation of TSPSCs regenerates target tissue. For example, regeneration of tibialis muscles from mesoangioblasts (similar to mesenchymal cells but associated with large vessels), cardiac tissue from adipose-derived stem cells, and corneal tissue from limbal stem cells.

Treatment potential for Problems in hearing, Intestinal degeneration, Diabetes


Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in Regenerative Medicine - 


MSCs are also known as stromal cells. The MSCs described here do not include those found in the umbilical cord and bone marrow. These cells after transplantation and trans-differentiation give rise to muscle, bone and cartilage tissue. Such stem cells coated with extracellular matrix help the hair follicle in regenerating; treatment of liver cirrhosis etc.

Treatment potential for Alopecia, Bone degeneration


Umbilical Cord Stem Cells (UCSCs) in Regenerative Medicine - 


Krabbe’s disease- an inherited severe neurological genetic disorder affecting the myelin sheath around neurons could be combated using transplantation of UCSCs which help in regenerating the myelin sheath. Neurodegenerative diseases can be treated using the UCSCs organoids. Cord blood stem cells banking helps us avail a long-lasting source of stem cells for personalized therapy and is also an important facet of regenerative medicine.

Treatment potential for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Cartilage and tendon injuries


Bone Marrow Stem Cells (BMSCs) in Regenerative Medicine - 


The bone marrow which comprises the stromal, hematopoietic, mesenchymal and progenitor stem cells, is responsible for blood formation. BMSCs have the potential of regenerating brain tissue, diaphragm tissue, liver tissue and craniofacial tissues. Being multipotent, they can play a major role as a treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).

Treatment potential for AIDS, Blood clotting disorders


Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) in Regenerative Medicine - 


There is a possibility for adult cells to be transformed into cells of distinct lineages completely bypassing the phase of pluripotency. For example, skin cells can be transformed into trophoblast, heart valve cells, photoreceptor cells, immune cells, melanocytes, etc. iPSCs also can be transformed into cells representing three germ layers.

Treatment potential for Eye defects, Liver and Lung Disease 

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