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Neural stem cells (NSCs) offer the possibility to replace lost tissue after nervous system injury. Whereas, stem cells can promote host neural repair in part by secreting growth factors, and their regeneration encourages activities that can be improved in the gene delivery mechanism. A recent publication shows that transplanted stem cells migrate to the damaged areas and assume the function of neurons, as the therapeutic potential for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’ and other neurological disorder diseases. However, the following diseases have been treated by various stem cell specialist with generally positive results.



Alzheimer’s Disease:


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is unrepairable, as an increasing brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and loses thinking ability. also, they cannot carry out the simplest tasks. In most of the peoples with the disease, those with the late-onset type symptoms as the first start appear in their mid-60s. Neural stem cell (NSC) grafts present a potential and new strategy for the treatment of many disorders of the central nervous system(CNS) including AD, with the possibility of providing a more permanent remedy than present drug treatments. After grafting, these cells have the capacity to migrate to lesioned regions of the brain and transform into the necessary type of cells that are lacking in the diseased brain, supplying it with the cell population needed to promote recovery.


Multiple Sclerosis:


A disease in which the immune system eats away at the defensive covering of nerves. In Multiple Sclerosis (MS), resulting nerve damage disrupts communication between the brain and the body. Multiple sclerosis causes many different symptoms, including vision loss and impaired coordination. Where the case studies as done on patients are refractory to conventional immunomodulatory agents (Interferon beta-1b, Natalizumab) and the mainstay of their treatment is plasmapheresis or immunosuppression with mitoxantrone, cladribine, cyclophosphamide.


Parkinson's Disease:


A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement often induces rhythmic shaking hands. Nerve cell damage in the brain causes dopamine levels to drop, leading to the symptoms of Parkinson's. Other symptoms are slow movement, stiffness and loss of balance. A case study report suggested that isolated adult stem cells from the patient's brain were then cultured in vitro and encouraged to turn into dopamine-producing neurons. Whereas, re-injected into the man's brain. After the transplant, the man's condition was seen to improve and experienced a reduction in the trembling and muscle rigidity associated with the disease were monitored by PET scan. Brain scans were taken 3-months after the transplant revealed that dopamine production had increased by 58%, however, it later dropped but the Parkinson's symptoms did not return.




A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted. Stop brain tissue from getting basic supplements such as oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes. as a novel treatment in a Great deal of developing histone deacetylase inhibitors for stoke. nowadays. In the case of stem cell therapy as One Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation improves recovery from ischemic stroke in humans.  Researchers examined the feasibility, safety and efficacy of cell therapy using culture-expanded autologous mesenchymal stem cells in patients with ischemic stroke.


Spinal Cord Injury:


Damage to any part of the nerves at the end of the spinal canal. A traumatic spinal cord injury may happen because of a sudden blow or cut to the spine. A spinal cord injury often causes long-term effects such as loss of strength, sensation and function below the site of the injury. Neural stem cells (NSCs) offer the potential to replace lost tissue after nervous system injury. However, the stem cells can promote host neural repair in part by secreting growth factors, and their regeneration activities can be modified by gene delivery. Therefore, certain limitation occurred such as make an effort to repair human spinal cord injury by transplantation of stem cells depends on advanced biological interactions between the host and graft.

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