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Hence, degenerative diseases can be defined as “the diseases characterised by gradual worsening condition of an organism due to the deterioration of the functional and structural parts of a tissue, organ or an organ system, consequently leading to disability, mortality and morbidity which may occur prematurely”.  Billions of people around the world are impacted by these diseases, which is one of the leading causes of death. These diseases are incurable and can only be managed to relieve symptoms. Some common examples of degenerative diseases are diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis.

Ageing is a natural process that occurs in one’s life cycle. At the organismal level, it is characterised by degenerative changes that tend to accumulate over time and as we near old-age, the body degenerates from its erstwhile best condition, chiefly in terms of speed, efficiency, and repair. Unfortunately, there are also cases when certain individuals undergo degenerative changes quite prematurely and with time, these appear as symptoms leading to diseases.

All chronic and degenerative diseases are caused by two and only two major problems, toxicity and deficiency

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