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With so many treatment options out there, there must be specific benefits of using stem cell therapy for people to consider it over other treatment methods. Stem cell therapy offers an opportunity to address the symptoms and side effects of chronic, incurable diseases that affect the patient’s quality of life. Patients are dependent upon the use of pharmaceuticals that only provide palliative care, often with decreasing effectiveness over time. Stem cell therapy uses biological materials that are harvested directly from the patient or the donor’s body, which accounts for minimal risk during treatment. It also ensures lesser recovery time for patients as opposed to other treatments. It provides safe autologous therapy and is a more ethically responsible treatment. 


Other treatments require surgery which may pose complications, risks and rejection from the patient’s body. Since this is a non-surgical procedure and the stem cells are usually harvested from the patients’ own bone marrow, it is minimally invasive and does not evoke rejection from the patient’s immune system.

The treatment of injuries does not take as much time as the healing process does in conventional methods. The recovery time after the surgical procedure is too long and time-consuming, and the wound often remains partially painful throughout the recovery period. However, with stem cell therapy, the recovery time after wound healing is minimal. 


Apart from the risk of rejection by the patient’s body and other complications that might occur during surgeries, another major risk factor during these clinical procedures is the possibility of communicable disease transmission. As the cells originate within the patient’s body, there is no threat of acquiring transmittable diseases from one person to another. Anaesthesia providers are supposed to practice in a nonsterile environment within the operating room and have an impact on bacterial transmission and infection rates, however, if these conditions are not met appropriately then there is a high probability that the patient might get an infection or a communicable disease. Stem cell therapy does not pose this threat as it does not require the use of general anaesthesia. 


A significant advantage that stem cell therapy has is the elimination of daily medication for the patients, many of which have accompanying side effects. These medications only provide palliative healthcare and their effectiveness often decreases over time. This gives way for further complications to arise in patients with chronic diseases.

Stem cell therapy also proves beneficial for general well being and physical health. It reverses inflammation and regulates the immune system. It also promotes and re-establishes cell-to-cell communication while replacing damaged cells and regenerating normal blood flow. 


Some researchers also believe that stem cells derived from therapeutic cloning may offer benefits over those from fertilized eggs because cloned cells are less likely to be rejected once transplanted back into the donor and may allow researchers to see exactly how a disease develops. However, researchers haven’t been able to successfully perform therapeutic cloning in humans despite success in some other species.

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