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Now that we know the basics of synthetic biology and we have an idea of the ongoing research in the field, it's time to introduce the software that makes it all the easier to visualize and design a gene sequence to produce a brand new completely synthetic protein- Introducing Gene designer.


As you might know, a gene is just a DNA sequence that codes for a protein, using analytical techniques over the past few decades we have been able to successfully break down and decipher certain genes in organisms into the base nucleotide sequence as such to a degree our ability to produce new proteins and genes was strictly limited by the availability of said gene in an organism, and while it's true that the database of genes in animals was growing with every passing day, it was difficult to visualize a brand new gene if it had never been seen in any other organism ever before.


However, with the introduction of gene designers, we were now able to overcome this barrier and “write” genes to produce proteins that would be completely artificial. The other aspect that should be mentioned is that by using gene designer we can produce the genes found in an organism without the need of the original organism from which the genes were sourced, allowing us to save considerable resources that would have otherwise been devoted to the extraction of required genes from the host organism. 

One important function the software allows molecular biologists to carry out is codon optimization.












Codon optimization is the process by which we can make gene expression more streamlined by altering the sequence in a way that makes it easier for the organism to express it based on the abundance of different tRNA molecules in the organism itself. 


As we can see from this gene designer seems to be a very promising and innovative tool that is now available to molecular biologists and allows for the increased understanding and even creation of genes and proteins. The best part about all of this is that it is a tool that is completely free for anyone to use! Allowing aspiring molecular biologists to use it and present new innovative molecules that could never have been synthesized before. 

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