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As we come closer and closer to an era ruled by higher orders of technology and artificial intelligence, the importance of synthetic biology is increasing to very high degrees. Human society aims for attaining stability with nature which is only possible through the integration of nature and human society and synthetic biology is a huge leap forward into this domain.


It also considerably reduces the dependency of the human population of natural resources for survival drastically by synthetically creating them within our labs. The ecological balance can begin unwinding backwards if synthetic biology is steamrolled in the right direction. Even healthcare is expected to completely revolutionize through the use of synthetic biology and develop into a completely new sector that is able to customize to a patient-to-patient basis.

Whilst there are a lot of issues present in for this very novice domain such as the incredulous cost of machinery and mechanisms that processes under the domain take and the even longer time it takes for approval of newer research, even though there have been significant drops in the costs of key processes such as DNA synthesis and sequencing.


Another brewing issue is the lack international co-ordination amongst the scientific fraternity of the whole world on this topic. The domain is yet to evolve from a niche to a full-fledged option which it does have the potential too, but educational and monetary action upon it has still been on the lower side. There is also a need for more focus on understanding the true way nature works if we want mastery of synthetic biology as there is no fooling nature.


At the end of the day, Synthetic biology shows promise to become the forefront of revolution in the whole world striking the perfect deal with nature itself, if steered in the correct path and backed up by the proper research and resources.

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