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Methods, approaches and techniques in ASTROBIOLOGY


1. In-situ instrumentation needed:


Instruments which will make the observations and measurements are required for astrobiology such as: 

1. Micro-electromechanical systems: This technology takes advantage of new techniques for manufacturing miniaturized components, producing smaller, sensitive instruments for portable use. 


2. Micro-electrooptical systems:


These optic systems would provide more capable imaging and spectroscopy.


3. Microfluidics:


Sometimes called “lab on a chip,” these fluidic circuits when cut into a glass or plastic wafer can transport and mix fluids, bring dried reagents into contact with fluid to perform reactions, combine liquid with electrical currents for electrophoresis or sample concentration, and perform sensitive measurements on analytes of interest. 


4. Imaging:


Atomic-force microscopy is being employed on both the Rosetta and also the Phoenix missions. Currently it's the sole thanks to image in space beyond the restrictions of optical devices. Other imaging technologies including interferometry, scanning near-field optical microscopy, and microscopy techniques should even be developed for spaceflight applications. 


5. Imaging spectroscopy:


Coupling spectroscopy to imaging is a particularly powerful tool for elucidating the chemistry of any sample. An example relevant to astrobiology is that the use of imaging-Raman systems detects reduced carbon in microfossils and in ALH 84001.4-7 the employment of multiple/tunable laser systems, light-emitting diodes, and advances in miniaturization and detector design have direct relevance to spacecraft spectrometers. 


​6. Mass spectrometry:


Mass spectrometry (MS) coupled to some type of gas chromatography (GC) system is that the method of choice for unambiguous identification of organic molecules. The chromatography is crucial to resolve and procure the characteristic spectra of isobaric compounds and determine their relative abundances.  




Key technologies always detection involve specific recognition of a target of interest employing a probe molecule. an enquiry molecule is one that incorporates a site that interacts specifically with the target, allowing itscentration and detection by various means. Common probes are antibodies, FAb fragments, DNA/RNA aptamers, and molecular imprinted polymers or capture resins. Detection of the target molecules can occur via optical means (fluorescence or colorimetry), mass spectrometry, or surface plasmon resonance.


Sample-handling technology:


A significant hurdle for in place investigations of biomarkers is that the availability of sturdy and versatile sample-handling systems. Most measurements for biosignatures require that the sample be pretreated in some fashion.. The extraction of biomolecules and their introduction into instruments without cross-contamination or biasing the concentrations of molecules of interest, allowing the concentration of the sample to extend the likelihood of detection, and ensuring that no poisoning compounds or ions get contact with the sample, is critical.


Geological and environmental context at local sites:


The possibility of life existing at a given landing site depends on the situation having a habitable environment. the popularity and characterization of present environments are straightforward. The geologically active surface of Earth constitutes a serious hurdle for recognizing the remains of its ancient life. Surface rocks on Mars, as far as we all know, haven't experienced the thermal (metamorphic) and deformational (tectonic) events that so commonly obscure the record of life in terrestrial Precambrian rocks. However, several processes can potentially complicate astro-biological studies of Mars rocks:




Much of the planet’s surface is roofed with lava flows that might destroy any surface or near-surface organisms. The limited number of impact craters on some terrains and also the young ages of the many Martian meteorites indicate that volcanic activity has continued throughout Mars’s history. Understanding the timing of volcanism at an area site, relative to the age of any putative life forms, is critical to any hypothesis for Martian life.


Shock metamorphism:  


Meteor impacts transmit large shock pressures to focus on rocks, transforming minerals, pulverizing rocks, and sometimes melting them. Shock metamorphism is pervasive in Martian meteorites, and therefore the high density of craters in ancient Noachian terrains (arguably the foremost intriguing sites for life) argues that the majority of those rocks have experienced shock. Cratering also excavates materials, thus disrupting the outcrop stratigraphy that's so useful in reconstructing geological history and environment.




The spectral identification of readily weathered igneous minerals (olivine and pyroxene) at regional and native scales suggests that weathering processes on Mars may well be dominated by physical instead of chemical weathering. However, alteration processes in soils and alteration rinds on rocks reveal chemical dissolution reactions that would potentially obscure evidence always.3 in this case, mechanisms for accessing fresh rock interiors (MER rovers utilized a rock abrasion tool) are required. 


Determining the geological and environmental history of an area site provides a critical filter for assessing the plausibility of life at that site. Remote sensing by instruments on rovers and orbiters can provide adequate characterization in most cases, although advances within the identification of minerals and measurement of trace elements and isotopes (which constrain environments) and in geochronology (which constrains geological history) are needed.





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